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to a
bright reliable Energy future, a strong Economy, and a clean Environment

    Thank you for considering the work of the Space Solar Power Institute.  Your donation will help educate energy policy makers and continue technical studies on this sunshine clean naturally baseload energy alternative.

    Donate to support our Microwave Power Research, Development and Education at Georgia Tech and other leading edge universities.  As Professor Durgin, MPT chair, observed, “We don’t want to simply commemorate Bill — we want to continue his work.”

Please enter an amount and click the "Donate" button.

    Funds from the friends and family of Bill Brown have endowed and awarded the first William C. Brown Fellowship in MPT.  Ga Tech's ECE Dept. awarded the first William C. Brown Fellowship (Fall 2013)  We would like to increase the Fellowship's endowment.

First award of William C.
                        Brown Fellowship - 2013
    Donna Salisbury, Bill Brown's eldest daughter(far left), was joined by sister Beth, Darel Preble(Space Solar Power Institute), Dr. John M. Osepchuk, a distinguished engineer who gave the keynote address, Blake Marshall(inaugural recipient), Prof. Durgin and sister Barbara.  John was hired by Bill Brown and served as the Microwave Power Journal's first editor. Further history can be found on the Bill Brown Memorial webpage. 

Donate to the  Space Solar Power Institute's next leading edge projects.
These include but are not limited to: continuing to build our top-flight SSP and MPT research tools, educational development and representing SSP at government, industry and technical conferences
.  E.g., check out our article here promoting our November 2013 Baltimore SSP conference. Please enter an amount and click the "Donate" button.

Your donation will work HARD to bring Clean Anytime Energy - Space Solar Power - to your electric power grid!

All donations will receive a printable receipt. We thank you for your generous donation. 

SSPI has been an all-volunteer non-profit corporation since it was chartered in 1997. No salaries are paid. Your donation will help us reach a wider audience, provide
deeper understand and move Space Solar Power into the marketplace faster. Let's build SSP now!!

The Space Solar Power Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Contributions to SSPI support our educational mission; studying and educating the public and energy decision makers about Space Solar Power. Contributions to SSPI are tax deductible to the fullest extent provided by law. The Space Solar Power Institute works with many friends, partners, donors and volunteers in a continuing effort to understand  how to design, initiate, finance, market, build, deliver, support, operate, and maintain a Space Solar Power System for the world baseload energy market. Its working committees direct these activities through professional workshops and conferences.
College Grads Ready to Roll - WikimediaCommons

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